Friday 6 May 2016

The aim of this project was to create an online forecasting space for the public in the form of a magazine that explores the upcoming hair and beauty trends for the season ahead.  The online magazine combines high fashion catwalk imagery as well as the artist’s own interpretations of future trends to bring together an overview of what can be expected within the beauty industry in the season to come.

The online magazine seeks to inform and entertain the audience with visuals and written features to support the ideas forecasted within.  The visual imagery is used to address contemporary trends and how they are evolving and changing the beauty industry.

The first issue of the magazine focuses on routine.  This is because, from observation, it appears that society is becoming more structured and is following more rules that are being set by those superior to the general public.  The online magazine aims to portray this idea and how it is influencing the beauty industry.  In its first issue, The Beauty Prophecy explores how the contemporary world relies on routine, and how that type of structure is adapting as culture and society change and intertwine.

The Beauty Prophecy is based upon the idea that society likes to be one-step ahead and in the know nowadays, which is why it was created as a forecasting magazine.  With this idea featured, it allows the reader to prepare themselves for the upcoming season, relating to the idea that society likes to know what is happening and when.  With social media being at the forefront of our culture today, it allows the public to see ‘behind the scenes’ of a magazine’s production and catwalk shows before they are published.  To be successful in this area, the online magazine had to be able to compete with the fast-pace of social media, which the project has aimed to do.

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