Thursday 5 May 2016

Website Launch

We're live!

After a lot of hard work, effort and time, my magazine is finally live online.

The landing page for the website is the homepage, as I did not feel the need to have an extra page for when the reader first enters the site.  When the sight opens the reader is greeted with a slideshow of images that relate to articles within the website.  When these images are clicked the reader will then be taken to that particular page.

This page allows the reader to see what features lie within the magazines beauty pages.  All captions are also links to each feature.

This page allows the viewer to read about the latest skincare routines.  It also has suggestions for the best products, and a feature further down the page about different make-up products to wear on your face.

Allows the viewer to read about eye make-up trends and see what's been featured on the catwalks.

Allows the viewer to read about the upcoming lip trends and see what's been featured on the catwalks.

Allows the viewer to read about nail trends.

This page allows the reader to see what features lie within the magazines hair pages.  Captions are also a link to each feature.

This page allows the viewer to read about the latest hair care products, with suggestions for the best ones.

Allows the viewer to read about the upcoming hair trends and see what's been featured on the catwalks.

Lets the reader learn a bit more about the magazine and it's background.

This page tells the reader about the editor (me) and it explains a bit more about why the magazine was created.
This allows other professionals or readers to get in touch about any queries and questions that they might have.

I am pleased with the outcome of my website, however I know that it could be a lot better.  I am annoyed and upset with myself that I did not organise my time well enough to give myself enough time to complete all the tweaks that I had originally set out to do.  For example, I had to cut out the fragrance page as I just did not have the right amount of time that would allow me to achieve what I wanted to with it.  Also, I was not overly pleased with the photoshoot I had done for the fragrance look, as it did not fit as well with the rest of my images.

On reflection, I have been really badly organised in making the website, and I think that I underestimated just how much time it would take me to get everything exactly as I want it, which is why I feel like it is still unfinished in some areas.  Had I downloaded muse earlier to start building my website, I would have got everything completed to the level that I wanted it to be, but unfortunately that is not the case.  Having experienced building a website, I now know how long it takes and how organised I need to be in the future, in order to create it and get it to the standard that I want it.

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