Thursday 5 May 2016


Being unorganised throughout this project has lead to some of the project elements being missed out.

Unfortunately I never got round to creating social media pages for my online magazine due to lack of organisation on my behalf.  I am annoyed at myself for this, because I believe that they could have really aided the project and encouraged a lot more interaction from people.  Originally I had planned to have an Instagram and Facebook page where I could post BTS images from photoshoots and teasers leading up to the launch of the website.  I feel that I have really let myself down with this aspect of the project.  However for the next time I do a project like this I know that it should be one of the first things to be created at the beginning, and as I would like to continue with the magazine once the projects have been marked, it is something that I can consider when developing The Beauty Prophecy.

As I was getting closer to the launch of my website and finishing the other pages of my magazine, it became apparent that I was not going to have enough time to create a feature about fragrance.  Therefore I have made the decision to take this feature page out of my magazine so that I can focus on getting the other features to a good standard.  I have made this decision because I do not have enough time to write and create a feature that will be up to standard with the rest of the features, and I believe that if I was to create a quick one that it would not fit with the rest of the magazine and let it down.

Although my website is now nearly finished, I know that there is a lot more that I could have done and improved on, had I allowed myself more time.  I am pleased with the content that I have on there, however I know that there could be a lot more depth to what is there.  As I am planning to continue with the project after hand-in, I think that this is something that I can work on and improve over time.

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