Sunday 28 February 2016

Behind Schedule

Having been primarily focused on my dissertation throughout February, I have fallen very behind on my original production schedule.  Above is the production schedule that I proposed in my original project proposal.  Since then I have changed the outline of my project, however I was sticking to the same production schedule as it was still relevant.  So far, in relation to my schedule, I should have completed a week's worth of shooting, along with interviews with creatives and a developed website design.  In reality, I have not yet started shooting and I have not yet interviewed anyone, however I have sourced my models and begun designing the looks for upcoming photo shoots.  I have also visited some exhibitions, however they are no longer relevant.

My organisation skills within this project so far have not met my expectations as I have struggled to manage starting my FMP whilst still working on my dissertation.  This is due to me being originally unorganised with my dissertation, however now that it has been completed I can get back on track with production.  Below is a revised production schedule that I shall work to moving forward in my project.

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