Tuesday 16 February 2016

Tutorial with Elizabeth

In today's tutorial with Elizabeth we discussed the concept, direction and content for my online magazine.  Her opinion is that, for my magazine to be innovative, it needs a forecasting element within it, however I do not have the knowledge or resources that would allow me to stay ahead of my target audience.  It was discussed that maybe an arts project would not be the right direction for my online magazine, as we both agreed that I am not knowledgable enough within that area.  Therefore we have removed the arts element from my project, and my magazine will now focus on the future of fashion, hair and beauty.

I am happy with this decision, as I definitely feel more comfortable and am more knowledgeable with these creative areas.  Removing the arts element also means that my work load will be slightly less, because I will no longer have to go to London to continue reviewing exhibitions and it will not be necessary for me to find artists to collaborate with in my work.  This will also allow me to really focus on the three elements of fashion, hair and beauty, in order to create some great features for my magazine.

Moving forward:
- Define the trend and how far into the future that the magazine will look to
- Research into the three magazine areas
- Look for inspiration for online layouts
- Begin shooting

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