Monday 22 February 2016

The Trend

Time Period: A/W 16
Trend: Routine and Structure

Because the aim of the online magazine is to create a forecasting space for the public, I have decided that each issue will revolve around the trends for the season ahead.  Therefore, the first issue will focus on A/W 16 trends, as it will first be released in Spring.

The overall trend to be forecasted for this magazine will focus around the idea of routine and structure.  This has been influenced by the idea that society is becoming more structured through more rules being put into place by the government, and others alike.  The focus of the magazine will be how structure in society has been mirrored into beauty and fashion, and the main theme behind the first issue of the magazine will be how we create and follow our own routines within these areas.  For example, in beauty, skincare routines are becoming more important and more popular than the make-up that you apply.

Society has imprinted the idea of structure into our lives.  People wake up in the morning to proceed with a day that consists of numerous routines that they have put into place themselves, and the chances are that they repeat this daily.  This reflects into our hair and beauty routines, as we are lead to believe that through repeating the steps that brands tell us to, we will achieve a rejuvenated appearance - and so we either follow or create our own routines in the hope of achieving this end goal.

I think that in society we have devised this idea of the importance of routine because we like to have structure in our lives.  The majority of people would feel lost if they did not have a daily routine to follow.  We have been brought up being told what to do from a young age by parents and teachers, and when that superior instruction stops we create our own to abide by.  Therefore I am going to look at the effect that this idea is having on us, with regards to fashion, hair and beauty.

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