Tuesday 9 February 2016

FMP Proposal: Feedback


TUTOR MARKER: Jennifer Anyan

TUTOR COMMENTS: A proposal that is a good starting point and provides rich and diverse areas for developing interesting content.  The proposal is also ambitious, you need to be realistic about who you are writing for; is the target market you have outlined potentially more knowledgable than you are in some of the project areas - how will you develop content that appeals to the top end of that readership?  You could also consider Hungertv.com and Nowness as competitors - Nowness may not strictly be a magazine but the boundaries and definitions of online platforms are now very fluid.  Greater conceptual analysis is needed in order for the project to really fulfil its potential, you created make-up inspired by the World goes Pop exhibition - what was the design methodology you employed in doing this?  Far greater experimentation and a more questioning approach is needed here.  Some of the proposal sections would benefit from further explanation, for example page 10 - you need to explain what this is showing us?  Would it be a section of the magazine on your own illustrations?  Do you intend to write about your work too?  You have a good starting point, however there is much that needs to be considered in more detail in order to elevate the standard of what you can produce and also to make this project practically manageable: this is what we need to discuss in the first tutorial - a clearer plan of exactly what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.

REACTION TO FEEDBACK: At first I was disheartened by my grade, but since receiving my feedback comments I can understand why I only achieved a 2:2. Having looked back over by proposal alongside my feedback, I agree with the comments and am confident in moving forward and what to do next.
I think that when I was writing my proposal, I was quite overwhelmed by my idea and wasn't entirely sure where I was going with it, and I was getting lost within my own ideas.  Because I wasn't sure myself on some ideas, I lacked in test shoots and I didn't leave myself enough time to create more than one or even recreate the one that I did.  On reflection, I needed to have defined my concept before I started writing, as well as having a plan for the number of shoots and features that I intend to include.  Having already spoken to my mentor, Elizabeth, we have decided that it would be more manageable if I create a soft launch of a magazine, rather than a full first issue.  This is because I have been very ambitious with the amount that I originally set out to achieve, and a soft launch will allow me to create fewer great features, rather than many average features.
Moving forward, I need to go back to the beginning and pinpoint the concept behind my magazine and map out the features in order to be able to find a dedicated team that will be willing to help me.  Once I have my definitive idea and map of my website, I can progress into the staging of my project and the shoots.

MOVING FORWARD: To be able to move forward with my project, I need to rethink my concept and aims.  The next stage of this project will be to redefine my idea having received my feedback.  In my feedback, it was mentioned that my proposed target audience would possibly know more about the project areas, due to having proposed my online magazine would be aimed at professionals within the industry.  Rethinking my project and the outcome will allow me to create something more appropriated to my target audience.  Once I have redefined my project and discussed it with my mentor, Elizabeth, I can then map my contents and build a team of creatives to work alongside me.

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