Thursday 18 February 2016

Changes to my project

On receiving feedback to the project proposal, I have decided to make a few adjustments.  In my original project, it was suggested that my target audience would know more about the subject areas within my magazine than myself, meaning that I would not be supplying more information to them than they already know.  Having spoken to my mentor, we have decided that some changes to my project would be beneficial, as I proposed to achieve a lot of work that, on reflection, I might not be able to cope with alone in just a few months.
Elizabeth suggested that my original idea had been done before and to be unique I needed to have a forecasting element to my magazine. Below I have outlined a new plan for my project.

The aim of this project is to create an online magazine that acts as a trend forecasting platform for the public.  The website will allow the viewer to explore beauty, hair and fashion trends for the upcoming season - the first issue being for Autumn 2016.  Alongside forecasting features on beauty, hair and fashion, the online magazine will hold interviews with new, up and coming creatives and exhibition reviews.

I have chosen to continue with the platform of an online magazine for the reasons in my previous proposal - it will allow the viewer to be more interactive with the magazine, and most people have access to the internet in today's society, making it more accessible to a wider variety of people.

Features will include forecasted trends for the upcoming season in the format of photo shoots and articles to accompany and explain what the trend will be about.  Interviews with up and coming creatives and exhibition reviews will still feature within the project, however I need to refine which exhibitions to review.  Moving imagery will be used throughout the website, as well as high fashion imagery to add dynamic to the magazine, and it will be an interactive experience for the viewer.

The target market for my online magazine will be similar to the one previously proposed - the magazine will be aimed at creative professionals and people with an interest in the creative industry.  The initial age range to be focused on will be men and women in their mid 20s, however the magazine will also be able to cater for a wider audience.  The target market will be primarily based in a major city, with great interests in fashion and beauty, and the future of the industry.
20 - 40
Any major city
Creative professional/Creative student
Fashion, beauty, museums such as the V&A and the National Portrait Gallery, exhibitions such as 100 years of Vogue, conventions such as the Glamour Beauty Festival, magazines such as i-D and websites such as Beauty Papers.

The target market described is an outline of whom I will be primarily aiming my online magazine at.  Alternatively, the magazine can be available to anyone who holds an interest in the subjects explored.

"A creative biannual about the culture of beauty."
Beauty Papers, founded in 2015 by Maxine Leonard and Valerie Wickes, explores the ideas that form our interpretation of beauty.  It connects ideas of some of the industry's experts with new talent, and writers to generate a more diverse, cultural understanding.
Beauty Papers is similar to the proposed online magazine in the way that it brings creatives together through articles and interviews.  However, the fact that the proposed project intends on focusing on the future of beauty and fashion, sets it apart.  Beauty Papers also offers a physical copy of their magazine, whereas mine will solely be online in the form of an interactive website.

The unique selling point of the newly proposed outcome for my project is the element of forecasting in the magazine.  The online space will include photo shoots, moving imagery and articles based on the trends of the upcoming season.

- Beauty - Hair - Fashion -
The online magazine will consist of three feature areas: beauty, hair and fashion.  It will focus solely on these three areas as the target audience is men and women in the creative industries.  Also, there are already many magazines out there that cater for other areas, such as art and culture, therefore I have chosen to be more specific and stick with just these topics.
Each feature area will have visuals and articles that talk the reader through trends for the next season.  I plan to have various sections within the beauty category, however hair and fashion will just be sole sections with different areas explored within them.

STRENGTHS - Creating a forecasting space online that is open for the public to view at their pleasure is an innovative concept that will capsulate the audience within the future of beauty, hair and fashion.

WEAKNESSES - Producing the number of photoshoots and accompanying articles proposed is ambitious for the time frame, especially as it is shorter now that I have adapted my idea.  To keep on track, I shall have to revise my production schedule and be sure to keep strictly to it. Collaborating with other creatives will help to ensure that the projects targets are met and that each feature is completed to a high standard.

OPPORTUNITIES - The online magazine will showcase the trends of the upcoming season and the new talents of the creative industry, as well as working with current successors of the industry.  The online magazine aims to entertain and inspire creatives, and, if successful, it could be continued with more issues and features to be published on a regular basis.

THREATS - Managing a team of creatives, such as models, photographers and videographers is already proving to be difficult.  Moving forward, organisation will be vital in order for the project to be successful.  Members of the creative team will have to be committed, and sourcing a larger team than necessary will allow for cases of unavailability.

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