Wednesday 20 April 2016

Revised Website Designs

Since my mid-point presentation, I have been rethinking my website layout and how I want it to look.  As the lecturers thought that I should drop the fashion feature, I have, and I have also taken into consideration their points made about the menu bar and how many tabs it should have.  I have also decided that I no longer want the 'News Feed' section on the right hand side, as I realised that it would not work well for a start-up magazine.  Whereas if the magazine had been running for longer than three months and if it had more content than I plan to have finished for the hand-in, then it would work as a really nice feature to aid the accessibility of the magazine's features.

I want the online magazine to land on the homepage, where the reader will be greeted with a slideshow of images that will take them to a feature within the website when clicked on.  Also featured on the homepage will be a written piece about the overview of the upcoming trends for the Autumn/Winter season.

The Beauty and Hair homepage's will be similar to the main homepage, with an arrangement of images that relate to the different features under each section.

Each feature page will be arranged differently, but here I have drawn a general outline with what sort of things will be featured in each section.

As a magazine it is important to have an About page so that your readers can learn more about you and what you aim to achieve and give to your readers through your magazine.

Again, it is important to have a mode of contact so that your readers can contact you about any enquiries that they may have.

Overall, I think that the revised designs will improve the layout of the magazine's website.  Key features for my updated website design include the accessibility of my menu bar - I want the menu to scroll and stick at the top of the page as the reader scrolls through the site.  This is important because I think it will bring the whole website together and make all of the other features more accessible, as they will not have to scroll back up again to navigate elsewhere on the site.  Hopefully I can make this work with John's help.

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