Friday 29 April 2016

Website Problems

Since I have been creating my website, I have been faced with many difficulties.  When I began creating my website, I had a clear design idea that I wanted to stick by, however I am using Adobe Muse and some things that I would like to achieve do not seem to be possible.

I was really happy with the logo that I had previously decided on, however having made it into a banner for my website I no longer think it fits with the theme of my magazine.  As a square logo I think that the design works well, though when it is translated into a banner and the square is so small in the middle, you lose the effect.  I also feel that it doesn't look as professional as I had hoped, which I think could be to do with the pink/purple coloured background.
Current Website Homepage
I also have grown to dislike the font that features in the logo, as when I have started to write features to be added to the website it does not look professional.  Therefore I think that I need to re-work the logo and banner so that they fit with the concept of my magazine and make it look more professional.

I wanted a banner with my logo across the top with a horizontal menu underneath.  When the viewer scrolls down the page, I want the menu to scroll to the top and then stay there as the rest of the page scrolls, so that the menu is always accessible for the reader, similar to the Get the Gloss website (see below).

However after googling for hours and seeking John's help, it seems that this is not possible, which is frustrating as I really wanted it to work.  I still want my menu to appear and stay at the top of the page when the reader scrolls through the website, so I have come up with some possible solutions to this problem:
      1) Pin the banner as well as the menu at the top of the page so that they both stay there when the reader scrolls.
      2) Change the design of my website.
Because I do not want to have a banner that scrolls with the page as well, and because the current banner design that I have is not working the way that I had envisioned, I think that my best option is to adapt the design of my website.

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