Tuesday 19 April 2016

Tutorial with Elizabeth

In today's tutorial with Elizabeth, we went through the work that I have produced so far.  I showed her my photoshoots that I had done since I last saw her, which she was pleased with, and we discussed more ideas within forecasting.

Having shown her my milk bath photoshoot for skincare, we discussed the idea of 'routine' and how we create our own schedules to stick by.  We talked about Clinique and Dr Orentreich, who is someone that I need to research into to progress in my project.  Elizabeth also showed me some forecasting booklets that she had, and we decided that I should do another still life photoshoot to create a colour palette with ordinary day-to-day objects, as well as having a colour palette with make-up products.  Retail and Instagram were also discussed as extra possible areas that I could look into for my magazine, as Instagram is becoming more and more popular and a lot of brands have started to sell products through their accounts.  With regards to Instagram, there are a lot of American 'natural vegan beauty' accounts that have started their own businesses through the social network, which could be another point of interest.

I am happy with the areas that Elizabeth and I discussed in my meeting with her, and I feel confident that I know what I need to do now in order to get my magazine ready for it's launch.  I believe that creating more still life imagery will give me a wider variety to work with, and I think that researching into Instagram will give my magazine more depth.

Next Steps:
- Research Dr Orentreich and Clinique's skincare policy
- Look into how retail is developing
- Develop website further

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