Wednesday 27 April 2016

Still Life - Product Photoshoot 2

I am happy with how today's still life photoshoot went, although the images are not perfect.  I decided to do a second one because last time I focused a lot on the textures of the products rather than the products themselves.  Therefore I thought that it would be a good idea to conduct another still life shoot where I could focus on the products and create visuals of a selection of products that could work together for a make-up look.  I am unsure yet if I will use this idea within my magazine, but I wanted to have the images there in case I did decide that I wanted to include something like that.

I have found still life shooting very difficult, as it is a concept that I had never done before until this project.  I found it very difficult to get the lighting right, because I wanted the products laying flat on the surface but when I leant over with the camera to get a flat shot, a shadow was created in most images, which is something that I do not want featured on my website.  It was also difficult to get the brightness of the light right, as it reflected off of some of the products with metal areas.  In an attempt to overcome these difficulties, I adjusted the brightness of the flash and the shutter speed, however this then made the images too dark.  I also tried standing on a chair to be able to get a good flat view of the table, however this still caused some shadowing.

To correct these errors, I will use photoshop in post-production to bring up the brightness a bit and tone down the contrast to try and get rid of the shadows.  It's annoying because I like the style of the images and the ways that I arranged the products, but the lighting and shadows let the overall image down.  Therefore I am hoping to rectify this.

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