Friday 1 April 2016

Skincare Photoshoot 2

For this skincare photoshoot I want to focus on the idea of cleansing products, as opposed to how healthy your skin will look due to skincare, which is what the last shoot was focused around.  To create this effect, I will have my model in a bathtub full of milky water that will represent the cleanliness and purity of the skincare products.  For the make-up, I will create a very natural look and will use a bb cream instead of foundation, as I do not want it to smudge and rub into the bath and make the milk orange.  I will also have to consider mascara - whether to just use a clear mascara or a waterproof one.  And for the hair, I will just comb it back off of the model's face.  Whilst she will be in the bath, I will position the ends of her hair so that they sit nicely around her face to frame it, and I will try to make the hair sit on the surface of the water.


Whilst at home for Easter, I created another photoshoot based on skincare.  This time I created the idea with my model laying in a bathtub of milky water, to represent cleansing the skin and for this series of imagery I managed to lock down a photographer for the day which I was really pleased about.  I think that if I had not of had a photographer's help, I would not have been able to produce this photoshoot because I do not have the knowledge or skill set to do photography without a studio setting.

Through using my understanding of the conventions of beauty, I was able to plan and produce this set of images to use for my online magazine. Having used minimalistic make-up and having the model in a milky bathtub shows the viewer clearly that the image is representing the idea of skincare.

Overall I am really pleased with the outcome of this photoshoot, however there are a few small things that could be tweaked in post-production.  A few of the images are a bit darker than I'd have liked to show a skincare range, so I will need to brighten a couple up.  Also the edge of the bath can be seen in a lot of the images so I will need to crop the images and blur out the edges to produce a great outcome.  Another small thing would be to clean up the areas of the face where the make-up had run slightly due to the model being in the bath for so long.

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