Friday 18 March 2016

Eye Photoshoot

For the eye look, I want to create a dark smokey eye that has been glossed over with vaseline, similar to what can be seen in the moodboard above.  Paired with the dark glossy eye, I will give my model a matte nude lip to create contrast in the make-up.  This will also be so that the make-up look is balanced nicely, because if I were to opt for a dark lip and dark eye, it would confuse the viewer and I want them to be solely focused on the eye make-up.


Unfortunately I am not very happy with the outcome of these images and I am considering not using them for the final outcome of my project.  The aim of my outcome was the achieve a dark glossy eye with a fairly nude lip, but what I did not anticipate was how creased the eye would become when I added the gloss over the top of the eyeshadow.  I was continuously blending the eyes in between shots, however this did not do much for them and the creasing continued to show through.

I will attempt to correct this in post-production, however I do not think that I have the correct skill set to be able to recover these images.  Although I do not think that this would achieve the desired effect of the photoshoot, as it would make the eyes lighter and blurrier than I would like them.  An alternative option would be to re-shoot this look, however I know that the model I used is very busy herself with her own projects, and so I feel that it is unfair for me to call on her again.

From doing this photoshoot, I have learnt that I need to plan my looks better and consider all possibilities when it comes to using innovative ideas within photoshoots.  In the future if I want to create a glossy eye, I will test the products that I want to use first on myself to ensure that they will look good on camera and not smudge or crease.

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