Monday 21 March 2016

Fragrance Photoshoot

Here is a basic moodboard of inspiration for my fragrance photoshoot.  The key element to this look will be the gel lighting, to create a moody atmosphere in the image.  The main colour gels that I want to experiment with are red, green and blue, as I think that these will work best as a combination.  To work with these colours, I will apply a shimmery orange lipstick to my model's lips.


The theme behind this photoshoot was to represent fragrance, so I decided to play with coloured gels to create different moods within the images.  I am happy with the outcome of these images, however I think that I could have been a bit more adventurous with the poses and stances for the model  had I been more prepared leading up to the shoot, as the images are all quite similarly structured.

Luckily one of my photographers was free to help me with this photoshoot, as I am not confident in using gels, and I think that the lighting looks really good, with thanks to my photographer.  I was really happy with the make-up that I had created for my model's face, however it does not show up greatly in the images due to the lighting.  Looking back, I think that we should have captured some images without the gels to give me a variety of choice when it comes to finalising my images for the magazine.

Overall I am fairly pleased with the outcome of these images, however there are a few changes that I would like to make in post-production.  Firstly, I would like to play with the lighting and see if I can make the make-up any more visible than it is in the unedited images, and secondly I would like to take out the model's nose stud and tidy up the wispy hairs around her head.  The images will also need to be cropped to take out the models top and the excess areas of background.

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