Friday 25 March 2016

Mid-point Thoughts

Organising teams of people has been extremely difficult so far.  I feel that I have been well organised in trying to gather a team, however the communication back to me has not been good.  I have sent mood boards to my photographers with available dates to work with, however in some cases I have had to prompt them in order to receive a reply.
My models have been good at letting me know their availability and working with them has not been so difficult.  What I have struggled with the most is making sure that the whole team is available at the same time, which in some cases has meant that I have had to photograph the looks myself.  This has not been a complete disaster, as I am fairly confident behind the camera for beauty shots, however when I want to use specific techniques that I do not know how to achieve, I need to make sure that one of my photographers is available to help me.
From these occurrences I have learnt that to make operations smoother along the way, there are things that I could do prior to photoshoots that would improve the communication between myself and my team.  For example, creating call sheets and setting up a group message to communicate with everyone at one would probably make things slightly easier, and in turn it should improve the organisation of the group.

I am still a bit behind on my production schedule, however I am making up good time and getting on with my work in order to get myself back on track.  So far I have completed four of my photoshoots and I have another one planned for the end of this week.  After my week off for Easter, I need to crack on and get all of my shoots done so that I can start adding content to my website layout.
For the content of my magazine, I have photoshoots complete, however I need to begin writing up my articles to accompany them.  This will be hard if I leave it much longer to begin them, so my aim for the next few weeks is to make a start on the articles.

To progress further and achieve everything that I have set out to in time for the project deadline, I need to focus on:
- Completing my photoshoots
- Finalising my website layout
- Building my website
- Writing my magazine articles
This is achievable if I am strict with myself and make sure that I stay on track with my schedule plan.

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