Tuesday 22 March 2016

Mid-point Presentation Formative Feedback

What has been successful so far, what have you been pleased with?
Are you on track with your original production schedule, if not why and what needs adjusting?
How have you resolved any major issues?
What requires further improvement?
What other ideas do you have for further development of your project?

Based around the questions above that were set out by the lecturers, I explained in my presentation how and why my project has changed direction, and how I am currently behind schedule.  I also showed the group a selection of unedited images from my recent photo shoots, and then went on to talk them through a rough layout idea for my online magazine (refer to previous posts for details).

FEEDBACK (Emma, Jane and Elizabeth)
The feedback from the tutors on my presentation was mixed.  They liked the photo shoots that I showed them and liked the layout design of my website, however they had some issues with certain areas of my project.  For example, neither three of them were keen on the name that I had come up with for the magazine, and they believe that my knowledge of fashion isn't enough to cover that area on my magazine.  Instead, they suggested that I should focus on the hair and beauty aspects, as that is my area of expertise and they believe that I can achieve my full potential if I just focus on these areas.  Emma also suggested and believes that some still life product imagery would fit well with the magazine and boost the content.

- Decide on a new title for the magazine
- Create a sell/tag line to go underneath the heading
- Make sure that the trends are dated for the readers
- Scrap the FASHION section
- Include some product imagery
- Make separate tabs for the magazine, do not just have all the content under TRENDS
- Look at some 'edgier' magazines, such as V Magazine, for inspiration

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