Monday 21 March 2016

Initial Website Design

Here I have created a rough outline of the layout that I wish to create for my online magazine.  As general features, I plan to have a banner at the top of my website with the logo and tag line and then a menu bar underneath.  I would like the menu bar to stay at the top of the page as the reader scrolls, as this will keep everything easily accessible for the reader.
On the homepage I plan to have a News Feed on the right of the page where new 'trend alerts' will pop up, and when clicked on will take you to another area of the website where there will be a more in depth article about the trend.  Underneath the menu bar in the main space of the homepage, I plan to have a slideshow of various articles that can be found within the site.  I will make the slideshow interactive, so that when the viewer clicks on an image related to an article, it will take them to that page.

Trends Page
When the reader clicks the link to the Trends page, it will take them to a page with all of the trends of the season lined up.  Each trend will be represented by an image which the reader will click on to take them to the next page where they can read and learn more about it, which brings us to the layout below.

Trend Article Page
This is what I envision each article page to look like.  Once the reader has clicked on the trend that they want to read more about, it will take them to a page with a slideshow of images that will visually communicate the ideas behind it to the reader.  Accompanying the slideshow of images will be an article.  Each article will inform the reader about the trend and it's background, and how they can achieve it for themselves.

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